Review Policy
Double-Blind Review Policy
All papers submitted to IJEFMS undergo Different steps of a rigorous double-blind review process by which both reviewer’s and author’s identity is not disclosed to each other in order to ensure independent review and avoid any potential conflict of interests. We make Sure to Keep Secret Both Of Information to make sure that Papers Contetn may not be leaked or Stolen by anyone.
Duration of Review and Publication
In order to meet the growing requirements by the authors for an efficient review and publication, the journal has taken appropriate measures to speed up the process yet without compromising on the quality of the publication. The first step is desk review whereby a paper is screened by the chief editor/editor himself and/or assigned to the editorial board.
This normally takes 10-15 days after submission of the paper in order to check the similarity score, appropriateness of the study with journal scope and objectives. Email is sent to the corresponding author regarding the decision of this initial screening usually within a month. After a paper approved from 1st step, the paper undergoes a review process by the peers, in the second step, by which it is sent to two reviewers who are experienced academics in the area of research the paper focuses on.
These reviewers make comments on originality, contribution, appropriateness of flow of discussion, and references cited in the study. After this step, review reports are sent to all authors of the paper with a letter of acceptance conditioned to fulfillment of revisions in due time or rejection/excuse. This step usually takes another 30-45 days. The third step is about sending a revised copy to the copy editors who look at proofreading and editing of the paper and their report is sent to the corresponding author as well. Authors are requested to submit the proofread and edited copy of the paper within 1-3 weeks after which the paper is sent for production. A print copy is sent to the corresponding author on request after publication. The journal has introduced an early online production system by which the advance copy of the paper is published and available online before the hard copy publication.
Editorial Role in the Review Process and Conflict of Interest Policy
In order to maintain the rigor and independence of the review process, the all submitted papers are sent to well-established scholars in the relevant field. The reviewers are different from the editorial board members. The role of editorial board members is to recommend the potential reviewers for the papers and manage the review process assigned by the managing editor.
In order to avoid conflict of interest, when papers are received from any of the editorial members, the chief editor assigns such papers to the alternate editorial members to manage the review and publication process in order to maintain independence and neutrality. It is The Segmentation process to Or you can say section wise OR Field wise OR Subject wise OR Region wise .
Following are the ethical guidelines for Peer Reviewers as per IJEFMS’s SOPs
- The reviewers can only review the manuscripts for which they have the subject expertise required to carry out a proper and timely assessment.
- The reviewers are expected to respect the confidentiality of peer review and not to disclose any details of a manuscript.
- The reviewers will not use information obtained during the peer-review process for their personal or any other person’s or organization’s advantage, or to harm or disgrace others.
- They will declare all potential conflicting interests, seeking advice from the journal if they are unsure whether something constitutes a relevant interest.
- They are also not allowed for any kind of discrimination based on the origins of a manuscript, nationality, religious or political beliefs, gender or other characteristics of the authors, or by commercial considerations.
- The reviewers should be objective and constructive in their reviews, refraining from being hostile or inflammatory and from making defamatory or derogatory personal comments.
- They will provide accurate information regarding their personal and professional expertise.
- It should also be recognized that the impersonation of another individual during the review process will be considered serious misconduct.
- The reviewers are independent in making reviews of the article as they deem fit or think appropriate.
For a detailed account of the ethical guidelines for peer reviewers developed by COPE, please access the following document: http://publicationethics.org/files/Ethical_guidelines_for_peer_reviewers_0.pdf