
Journal Details

International Journal of Empirical Finance and Management Sciences (IJEFMS) ISSN (2706-803X) is an internationally peer reviewed Management Sciences journal published under the umbrella of Science and Technology Publishing. IJEFMS publishes high quality theoretical and empirical papers that significantly contribute to the discipline of Empirical Finance and Management Sciences.

Furthermore, IJEFMS editorial board regularly invites distinguished guest editors to coordinate thematic issues. Types of papers to be published: theoretical studies, comparative studies, case studies, empirical analyses and reviews.

Scholars and professionals are invited to contribute their Latest Reasrech Projects and experience. IJEFMS is focused Journal on “Empirical Finance & Management Sciences” published by the Science and Technology Publishing (STP). STP publishes only original and High Quality research papers, research notes, and reviews. All Research Papers may be in the form of original manuscripts, Thesis ans Short case Studies etc. All manuscripts undergo strict double-blind peer reviews.




IJEFMS policy is to continue to Provide High Quality research in all fields of knowledge that are likely to have a significant impact on Empirical Finance & Management Sciences. IJEFMS Editorial Board is committed to raise the standard and quality of the Journal to a leading as per international journal Standarsds.

International Journal of Empirical Finance and Management Sciences (IJEFMS) ISSN (2706-803X) is an internationally peer reviewed Management Sciences journal published under the umbrella of Science and Technology Publishing. The primary objective of the IJEFM is to create an intellectual forum for international scholars. The journal’s aim to publish high-quality original papers, review papers, conceptual frameworks, analytical and simulation models, case studies, empirical research, technical notes and book reviews that make a significant contribution to the discipline of Empirical Finance and Management Sciences. The articles in the journal are freely accessible to users from all around the world. Furthermore, the editorial board of IJEFMS invites eminent guest editors on a regular basis to coordinate thematic issues.


  • Banking
  • Micro & Macro Economics
  • International economics
  • International trade & finance
  • Energy economics and finance
  • Behavioral finance
  • Corporate finance
  • Entrepreneurial Finance
  • Asset pricing model
  • Corporate Governance
  • Financial markets
  • Financial institutions
  • Financial management
  • Risk Management and Analysis
  • Human resource management
  • Production management
  • Strategic management
  • Marketing management
  • Operational management
  • Portfolio management

1) Will Promote and Encourage Empericial Finance research and advance knowledge and understanding of Social Sciences On Focused Subjects
2) Support Students, teachers, and researchers in their areas of research